Dig Into Food-Upcycling Apps
Sierra: Digital solutions that save money and resources while slashing food waste’s massive emissions

Meet Your (Inner) Maker in Seattle
Vera, Virgin Atlantic’s in-flight: Let the Emerald City’s scene of tech-tinkerers and traditional artisans inspire you says arty local Amanda Castleman. Podcast guest spot: https://spoti.fi/3ZI9TG6 (min 14)

Two members work on a digital engraving of the Experience Olympia logo at the Lacey Makerspace. Both appear to be beared dudes and are wearing heavyduty beige work aprons. One has a nifty tattoo sleeve.

Why Hackers Target Startups
Vouch: The Federal Bureau of Investigation reports a 400% surge in online crimes since the pandemic began and Americans’ activities moved increasingly onto the internet.

Richmond grows greener using hyperlocal data
American Forests: On a scorching summer day in 2017, residents of Richmond, Va., put thermometers on their cars and drove around the city to gather data for a “heat map.”

Welcome to the Library of Things
Sierra: It’s showing us all how to own less, and borrow more

High-Tech Prostate Biopsy
Rutgers Pulse Magazine: Greater accuracy, less infection

More Fallout Over Greek Game Ban
Wired News: The Greek government’s sweeping ban of online games — intended to squash illegal gambling —has gamers, Internet café owners and other businesses seeing red. The European Union may step in to save the day. Amanda Castleman reports from Athens.

An Instagram capture with "travel" and "coronoavirus coverage" at the top, followed by the National Geographic headline "How creative thinking helped Seattle flatten the curve." The image below shows the city's downtown core at blue hour with Amplifier wheatpaste art of a masked healthcare worker on a skyscraper. Image by Aaron Huey.How creative thinking helped Seattle flatten the curve
National Geographic: In the pandemic’s first U.S. epicenter, people are spurring innovation through art, science, and community.

The Founders Aren’t Alright
Vouch: Founders and CEOs often feel the need to lead by example, working the hardest and the longest. However founders are struggling to stay above water during the pandemic.

The Next Generation of Startups Tackling the Hybrid Work Environment
Vouch: The pandemic forced many startups to pivot and redefine themselves, but one of the most widespread changes may be in how—and where—we work.

Various coverage for American Express’s paywalled magazine The Square. Topics included blockchain, chatbots, crypto-currency, fintech, Net-a-porter, and payment technologies, including contactless and virtual.

The iPad Aquatic
Sport Diver: Feel naked without your tablet? Never fear: it can come along on your next dive, thanks to a new housing by iDive, which inflates a thin, flexible bubble over your touchscreen.

Predicting the unpredictable
Oxford Mail: Neil Johnson has a sunny smile for each traffic jam. He doesn’t see a queue of grumpy motorists, rather science in action. Of course, he may just have missed the snarl though, because the Oxford University physics lecturer is learning to foresee such random events.

Cyber-rehab: the U.S. opens its first internet-addiction clinic
Ben Alexander has turned away from the keyboard and keyed into the real world.

Spray away on the walls and the web
Italy Daily: Internet grafitti gallery has a preservationist role

March 2001 cover of Wired Magazine. Half the page is blue with yellow overlay, the other half is brick red with a yellow bridge schematic. It's pretty chaotic looking.The Fine Art of Restoration
Wired: Bringing an old painting back to life has long been a touchy affair – and one that’s as much about interpretation as restoration. But increasingly, art conservators are turning to high tech tools to analyze famous pieces, removing the guesswork.

Italian Firm’s Dolce Music Deal
Wired News: ROME – Italian music website, Vitaminic, announced Friday that it is acquiring rival Peoplesound.com, based in London. The merger is hailed as a good omen for Italian companies, which more often are acquired (as opposed to acquiring others) in the global market.

Conflict of Interest: What to Do When You and Your Investors Are Not on the Same Page
Vouch: Yielding 10x growth or more, known as “hockey-stick growth,” remains the goal for many investors. But only one percent of startups become unicorns; in fact, most VC-backed companies don’t reach their expected rate of return.

The dot.com kids
Oxford Times: flare on a disco ball, sending prisms across the London street. Inside the club, the crowd surges around the bar, which supports a bank of computers. This is New Media: young, insistent and flash.