As a newspaper staffer and later an MSN Daily Access columnist, I covered health topics from the anti-jetlag diet to the sequencing of the human genome. I now write regularly for various publications at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and was a keynote speaker for a University of Washington’s Med School fundraiser in spring 2019. Since early 2020, I’ve been a health and pharmaceutical stringer for The New York Times‘ T Brand Studio.
I enjoy writing about science, and daily wellness and fitness equally. Below are some favorite stories.
- AARP: What Happens if You Have a Medical Emergency on a Plane?
- Bon Appétit: Contraband Cuisine: Why Pork May Be the Number One Threat to American Borders
- CVS Health: I covered various topics for the company’s internal magazine including beating burnout, safe drug disposal and the evolution of primary care. Clips available on request.
- National Geographic: How creative thinking helped Seattle flatten the curve
- New York Times via T Brand Studio: Flipping the Diagnostic Playbook
- The New York Times via T Brand Studio: The Krill of it All
- The New York Times via T Brand Studio: Mental Health Strides That Could Help Prevent Child Suicide
- The New York Times via T Brand Studio: One Disease, Many Permutations: The Impact of Cystic Fibrosis
- The New York Times via T Brand Studio: Pioneering Transplant Center Continues to Innovate, Save Lives
- Rutgers NJMS Spotlight: Bilingual Rutgers Surgeon Combats Disparities in Breast Cancer Care
- Rutgers Pulse Magazine: High-Tech Prostate Biopsy
- Rutgers Pulse Magazine: Institutional Recovery from COVID
- Rutgers Pulse Magazine: Superbug Superhero
- Rutgers Pulse Magazine: Treat the Whole Patient Not Just the Trauma
- Sierra: Ride Out the Coronavirus in Your Backyard, Not the Backcountry
- The Sunday Express: Near Microsoft’s headquarters, the U.S. opens it first internet-addiction clinic
- Vouch: The Founders Aren’t Alright
- Cooking Light: 2,000 Calories In Seattle
- New Jersey Life Health + Beauty: The (Real) Truth About Beauty
- Travelgirl Magazine: Alaska Awakening
- Travelgirl Magazine: Forest Bathing
- Oxford Times: If You Go Down To The Woods Today… You Can Be Sure Of A Rigorous Aerobic Workout?
- Write Like a Honey Badger: How Creativity Can Help Us Cope with the Pandemic
- Yahoo: Curry, a Favorite British Dish, Is the Ultimate Superfood